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Neko API Documentation

The Neko API is a media-based interface

Info table

Request name Request parameters [GET or POST] Response parameters [JSON] Info Example
MediaUpload file File File to upload to the server (as a form-data)
response String Outcome of the process
url String Direct public URL to access the uploaded media
Uploads a media file to the server
Returns the public URL to access the media file
PoolCreate name String Name to use for the media pool
key String Secret key for pool management and optional private access, must be kept in a safe place
private Boolean Set the pool to private, the key will be required to access it [false by default]
response String Outcome of the process
name String Name of the media pool
key String Key of the media pool
url String URL to the media pool (includes the key if the pool is set to private)
Creates a media pool useful for storage or random media access via a single static URL
Returns all the media pool parameters
PoolDelete name String Name of the pool to delete
key String Secret key of the media pool
response String Outcome of the process
Deletes the specified pool and all its contents
Returns the outcome of the deletion process
Once the request is sent, the operation cannot be undone
PoolInfo name String Name of the pool to display the information for
response String Outcome of the process
url String Direct public URL to access the pool (does not include the secret key in any case)
Requests the public information for the specified media pool
Returns all the available information of the requested media pool
PoolAddMedia name String Name of the pool where the media will be added
key String Secret key of the media pool
url String Direct URL to the media to download (only JPG, JPEG, PNG and GIF)
filename String Name to give to the downloaded file [random by default]
overwrite Boolean Overwrite a media file if it has the same name as the new downloaded media [false by default]
changesize Boolean Resize the image to the specified size [false by default]
mode String Mode to use when resizing
width Integer Resize width to apply when resizing
height Integer Resize height to apply when resizing
response String Outcome of the process
filename String Name of the file that has been downloaded
url String Direct URL to the file downloaded in the media pool (anyone can access the file with the direct URL, even if the pool is set to private)
Downloads a media file directly from the specified URL and saves it to the media pool
Returns the name and URL of the file that is ready to use
The direct URL will provide direct access to a file, even if the pool is set to private
PoolRemoveMedia name String Name of the pool from where to delete the media
key String Secret key of the media pool
filename String Name of the file to delete
response String Outcome of the process
Deletes the specified file from the specified media pool
Returns the outcome of the deletion process
Once the request is sent, the operation cannot be undone
PoolListMedia name String Name of the pool from where to list all the media files
key String Secret key of the media pool
response String Outcome of the process
list Array List of all the files with their URLs and types
  <NameOfTheFile> Array Name of the file with sub-array
    filename String Name of the file
    type String Type of the file
    url String Direct URL to the file
    date String Download date of the file
Finds all the media files inside the specified pool
Returns a list containing all the media files information
Each direct URL will provide direct access to a file, even if the pool is set to private
DoubleVision first String Direct URL to the first image (only JPG, JPEG, PNG and GIF)
second String Direct URL to the second image (only JPG, JPEG, PNG and GIF)
changesize String Image to resizie to match the other image [none by default]
mode String Mode to use when resizing
width Integer Resize width to apply when resize is set to both
height Integer Resize height to apply when resize is set to both
urlonly Boolean Only show the URL information without the image array in the response [false by default]
response String Outcome of the process
url String Direct URL to the generated DoubleVision image
urlfirst String Direct URL to the downloaded first image
urlsecond String Direct URL to the downloaded second image
image Array Multiple data of the DoubleVision image file
  data String DoubleVision image file content encoded in base64
  encoder String Encoder used to convert the file
  mime String Mime type of the file
Combines two images into a DoubleVision image
Returns the direct URL and the base64 encoded image content of the DoubleVision image

Useful information

The status response indicates if the requested function has been completed or not, with 0x00 meaning there were no errors

There is a limit of 5 requests every 1 second