Warning: this API has been removed, please check davg25.com/api/fire/docs/v0/

Wine API Documentation

If you are looking for a media-based interface try the Neko API

Info table

Request name Request parameters [GET or POST] Response parameters [JSON] Info Example
ValueSet item String Name of the item where the value will be stored, not case sensitive
value String Text value to apply to the item
pid String Private ID to protect the items and their values
response String Outcome of the process Sets the specified item to the specified value and assigns them to the private ID
Returns the outcome of the process
The private ID must be kept safe and should be complex as it can provide access to all of the associated items and values
ValueGet item String Name of the item to show the value for, not case sensitive
pid String Private ID used when setting the item
response String Outcome of the process
value String Value of the requested item
Requests the value of the specified item associated to the private ID
Returns the value of the item if found
Shortener url String URL to shorten
check Boolean Check if the URL parameter is correct [true by default]
expire Boolean Set the URL to expire after a single use [false by default]
response String Outcome of the process
url String Shortened URL
Shortens an URL into a smaller one
Returns the shortened URL to use
IpInfo ip String IP to show the information for [sender IP by default]
response String Outcome of the process
ip String Current or requested IP
location Array Multiple location data of the IP
  city String IP city
  state String IP state
  country String IP country
  countrycode String IP country code
  continent String IP continent
  continentcode String IP continent code
iconpng String Link to the country icon in PNG format
icongif String Link to the country icon in GIF format
Finds the information for the specified IP or the sender IP if not specified
Returns all the found information
Encrypt text String Plain text to encrypt
key String Key to use when encrypting the plain text
iv String Initialization vector to use when encrypting the plain text [random by default]
response String Outcome of the process
text String Encrypted plain text
iv String Initialization vector used when encrypting
method String Method used to encrypt the plain text
Encrypts a given plain text using the specified key and initialization vector using the AES-256-CBC method
Returns the encrypted text
Decrypt text String Encrypted text to decrypt
key String Key to use when decrypting the text
iv String Initialization vector to use when decrypting the text
response String Outcome of the process
text String Decrypted text
method String Method used to decrypt the text
Decrypts a given encrypted text using the specified key and initialization vector using the AES-256-CBC method
Returns the decrypted text
DynamicFile header String Header of the dynamic file
content String Content of the dynamic file
response String Outcome of the process
url String URL to the dynamic file with the specified header and content
Generates an URL that points to a dynamic file containing the specified header and content
Returns the direct URL to the dynamic file
TextToSpeech text String Text to transform into a speech
language String Language to use for the speech
urlonly Boolean Only show the URL information without the MP3 array in the response [false by default]
response String Outcome of the process
url String URL to the MP3 file
mp3 Array Multiple data of the MP3 file
  data String MP3 file content encoded in base64
  encoder String Encoder used to convert the file
  mime String Mime type of the MP3 file
Converts the text in an audible file using the specified language
Returns the URL to the MP3 file and its content encoded in base64

Useful information

The status response indicates if the requested function has been completed or not, with 0x00 meaning there were no errors

There is a limit of 5 requests every 1 second